If you are scheduled for a breast augmentation, here is some advice on how to survive the downtime that will follow. It is of utmost importance to follow your surgeon’s recommendations in terms of your recovery, so bearing that in mind, you will need to prepare in order to combat any boredom that may creep in during that time.

If you are scheduled for a breast augmentation, here is some advice on how to survive the downtime that will follow. It is of utmost importance to follow your surgeon’s recommendations in terms of your recovery, so bearing that in mind, you will need to prepare in order to combat any boredom that may creep in during that time.

1. Get Help
The first day or two you will be unable to effectively care for yourself or anyone in your household. It’s important that you arrange for a family member for friend to help you and preferably stay with you in those first days after surgery.

2. Set Your DVR
You’ll sleep a large part of the first two days, as your anesthesia begins to wear off. Recording your shows for later viewing will help you stay on top of your favorites and give you something to do with your time as you take it easy.

3. Gather Your Favorite Movies
Renting your favorite movies from the library or video store or borrowing them from friends will give you great ammunition to combat boredom. It will also benefit you by encouraging you to sit and rest, which is vital to your recovery.

4. Gather a Few Good Books
After a breast augmentation, minimal movement is key. Passing the time with a good book is another way to wile away the hours, immersed in an intriguing story, or learning something you didn’t know about a hobby or a past President. Typical library checkout periods are up to three weeks, plenty of time to get it back before it’s due.

5. Make a Shopping List
This shopping list should include a few extra pillows to assist in your comfort, as you’ll be back-sleeping for awhile. Also, spring for your favorite magazine. Buying some thank-you cards in advance will ensure appropriately timed acknowledgments for those who helped you after surgery. And don’t forget a week’s worth of your favorite foods.

6. Prepare Your Recovery Area
Get your bedroom set up as your breast augmentation recovery area. If you didn’t already have a TV in there, move one in. Set up your pillows and keep your entertainment tools (books and movies) handy. A night table or snack tray will help if you don’t feel like getting up to eat. Keep your phone charger nearby as well as your prescribed pain medications.

Above all else, relax. Preparing your home for your restful recovery will allow you to go into your breast augmentation ready and free from worry. Your recovery time will be easier and more restful.

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