Enhancing a personal wardrobe with the latest fashions without having to replace every single article of clothing is easier than many women think. Designers have embraced many classic looks this spring and summer, making it quite simple for women to mix and match without losing step with style.

When the hottest fashions are explored more closely, women will see that many pieces they can purchase today will work beautifully with other articles that might already be found in a personal collection. Some of the high points for the warmer seasons include tank, halter and strapless dresses and gowns, simple T-shirts and flowing blouses, crop pants, flare jeans and tuxedo-waist shorts, platform and wedge shoes and even elegant cardigans.

To blend in what’s hot with what already might be present in a wardrobe, consider these tips:

  • Take stock in what’s already owned – Spring and summer are the perfect times to do a complete inventory of clothing. Look at what is already owned with a critical eye. Discard or give away pieces of clothing that are undesirable or hopelessly out of fashion. Free closest space by getting rid of flawed clothing and pieces that might not have just the right fit, too.
  • Organize – To gain a clear picture of what is needed, it’s best to organize the “keeper” clothes into a sensible fashion. Dresses, grouped by season or occasions, blouses and slacks by season, color or occasion, and so on. This makes it easier to see what is already owned and what might be needed to round out a collection with cutting-edge styles.
  • Create a List – Document gaps in fashion to make shopping later a bit easier. If a wardrobe has 20 gowns that are perfectly stunning and ready for wear, but only five blouses, it becomes clear what might be needed to add selection and style. Consider, too, items that might help make favorite slacks or blouses stand out again. For example, if comfortable, well-fitting crop pants are owned, but a woman is ready for a “new look” when stepping out, new blouses to mix and match can breathe new life back into a wardrobe.
  • Shop online – One of the best ways to add to a wardrobe or completely replace one is to visit higher end online boutiques. Shop in a reputable location and the latest fashions will be evident. The online experience can lend itself perfectly to a mission that involves rounding out an existing wardrobe. This is simply because of its convenience and the fact that women can more easily compare what they have with new purchase selections more readily. It might be awkward to tote along a few favorite blouses to standalone boutiques, but it is very simple to compare these items to slacks on a computer screen.

Incorporating the latest fashions into an existing wardrobe doesn’t have to be difficult. Take stock in what’s owned, determine what is needed and shop designer boutiques in the online world to get a clear picture of how new additions might look. Today’s fashions do boast classic styling that makes it quite simple to mix, match and incorporate new purchases with older favorites.

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