Dry penis skin can be a serious source of discomfort, which is only to be expected with irritation on the only part of the body that changes size on a regular basis. Dry skin on the penis is a common occurrence with a wide range of possible causes; while guys are naturally worried about anything out of the ordinary when it comes to their favorite body part, the answer is usually fairly straightforward. Keeping the penis healthy and supple can be as simple as treating it at home with a formula containing penis-specific moisturizing vitamins and minerals that protect against dryness, rash and other unpleasant skin conditions. However, it is important to understand what causes penis dryness and when it is necessary to seek help.

The most common causes of dry penis skin:

Dry masturbation and aggressive sex

Rough handling is by far the most common cause of dry skin on the penis, as the friction of masturbation or intercourse without the benefit of lubrication wears the skin and may lead to drying and flaking; this can in turn cause soreness or even the development of small lacerations if it is left untreated. In order to prevent dry penis problems as a result of masturbation or other sexual activity, it is important to use an effective lube; and to heal already-dry or irritated skin, a rejuvenating crème containing moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter and vitamin E is recommended.

Skin allergies or sensitivity

Certain personal hygiene products and detergents can cause irritation that leads to dryness, especially for men with sensitive skin. Deodorizers, soaps, laundry detergents, and the spermicides found in condoms and other types of birth control can leech the natural moisturizers from the skin. Keeping the penile skin well-nourished with moisturizing and healing ingredients such as shea butter, vitamin D and vitamin C can help keep skin smooth and supple and help it to heal after minor irritation or injury.

When penis dryness is a problem:

Most men will experience dry penis skin at one time or another; while dry skin can lead to soreness or discomfort, there is usually no cause for concern. However, dry skin that spreads, does not heal, or becomes inflamed or sore may be an indication of an STD; in more serious cases, these symptoms can indicate skin cancer. If treatment with a moisturizing penis crème does not improve the condition of the skin, it is best to seek professional medical advice.

Complications from dry penis skin:

While dry skin on the penis is usually nothing to worry about, if it is left untreated, it can result in more serious issues. Dry skin may develop small lacerations that allow bacteria to enter the outer dermal layer, leading to infection; in addition, dry skin that is not treated may lead to loss of penis sensation.

Treating and preventing dry penis skin:

Like any other part of the body, the penis requires proper nutrition and care. Certain vitamins, amino acids and minerals have been shown to provide important penis benefits, preventing drying and other skin conditions; protecting against disease; and promoting optimum healing. However, many of the moisturizing crèmes and lotions that are formulated for other parts of the body contain fragrances, dyes and other harsh chemicals that can actually increase irritation, dryness and discomfort. Instead, it is best to treat the penis skin with a specialized penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains specific penis vitamins, minerals and moisturizers. By doing so, men of all ages can promote a healthy penis and enjoy a vigorous and satisfying sex life.

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