When relationships go on for a while, there’s the danger that they stagnate. If you don’t take things in your hands soon, there is always the risk of monotony creeping in, something that you can really do without. If this is happening with your relationship as well, these are some of the tips that you can use and, who knows, you might also become a legend in bed!

Be Unconventional

Everyone has sex the routine way, even dogs and rabbits do. And every other man does as well. If you want to be different, if you want to become a legend, you will need to do things differently. Now this is personal and depends on what your woman and you like, but common things that you might want to use are sex toys, leather attire, fetish sex and things like that. Explore what your woman’s interests are and practice them on her. If you do that correctly, she is not going to forget you in a hurry.

Go All the Way

Don’t let sex just be sex. Prepare for it. Put some thought into it. You might want to please her with a candlelight dinner, a perfumed bed adorned with flowers, music to suit her mood and gift her some great lingerie. Women love all these things and value them highly.

Take Care of Yourself

How good you are in bed depends on how well you take care of yourself. It depends on how presentable you are becoming for your woman. It includes your hygiene. Have a shower before getting close to her and put on some deodorant on yourself. It is a great idea to keep your armpit and even your private area shaved. It is a horrible experience for your woman if she performs oral sex on you and ends up with a pubic hair in her mouth. Get rid of all those odors on your body-popping a mint in your mouth before kissing her is a well-appreciated gesture as well.

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